Wednesday, January 12, 2011


     I am country bred, country raised, and will die country.. literally. I live on a big ranch, with all kinds of farm animals and it is clear to people that my passion is, the farm life. I love walking out of my house and knowing I have free reign of life on the farm. I have fresh air, room to run, and I am an animal freak... ironic eh? I say I was taught this way. I can only remember living in town a short while and let me tell you, that short while was just entirely too long. I always wanted a profession helping animals, however my brain is not smart enough to acquire those type of chemistry skills... don't believe me? Just ask it a chemistry question, I guarantee you you will get an off the wall, not even close, not making sense kind of answer.
     I live with my grandparents who are responsible for my country-fied upbringing. I wouldn't have it any other way of course. I love feeding and taking care of the animals, I love summer long farm vacations, which are actually not vacations at all. In the ranch living it is a 365 dawn until dusk kind of job, which is okay with me. I thank God for being stuck out in the middle of no where where there is rarely a neighbor to be seen, rarely anyone to hear me conversate (with myself occasionally), and rarely any crime and too close spaces with people I have never even seen or met before. I am a proud country bred, country raised, country die kind of chick. It made me who I am today and I wouldn't change that for anything in the world, ever.


  1. I just did a Google search for "chemistry question," and the answers the expert gave did not make sense to me, so . . . I'm with ya' on Chemistry.

    I am not an animal freak, however. But as I like to point out to my kids, humans are animals, too.

    What do you think of Gwyneth Paltrow's recent performance in Country Strong? Seen it? Interested? Her multidimensional talents blow me away.

  2. I agree with you on the humans being animals, however some animals can be quite smarter than us humans. lol

    I don't know if I'm going to like that movie or not. I agree Gwyneth Paltrow is quite gifted, however I don't see her as a country girl who will play this part well. I think I have portrayed her as a girly girl in every part of every movie she has played in, so I think it may be a little too fake for me, on her part.

  3. I meant to comment on this the other day when you posted it and got distracted!

    But I totally understand. I grew up in Rosedale. My family moved to Edmond when I was 12 and we've moved back and forth since then, haha. That's why I never know how to say where I'm from! My family still has our farm there, but we basically just have other people running stockers on it. I miss living in the country so much. I still go out there and run around every chance I get. Fortunately I married a guy who loves four-wheelers, so he likes to play out there almost as much as I do.

    There's just something about really knowing a piece of land that I think a lot of people who've never had the chance don't understand.

  4. I like "Country-fied upbringing" but at first I read it as "country-fried upbringing."
